شاشة الأجازة

Employees Quotas

Annual Vacation Quota

Ex: First row is, the employee will take 30 vacation days for 1 year, if there is only one row, this will be applied each year, last row will be used for all next years regardless the number of years you entered.

EOS Quota

Ex: First row is, the employee will take 15 days for EOS for his first 5 years, and second row is next 10 years he will take 30 days, last row will be used for all next years regardless the number of years you entered.

Sick Leave Quota

Ex: First row is, first 15 days will be deducted 0% from salary, and second row is next 10 days will deduct 5% from salary.

زر اعادة الإحتساب

 يتم اعادة احتساب أيام الأجازة في حالة
اضافة او تعديل اي عطلة رسمية تتداخل مع فترة الأجازة
اضافة او تعديل اي ساعات عمل تتداخل مع فترة الأجازة
