Charity Management ERP System

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You will get:

1. Charity

Donor Management: Maintain detailed records for each donor and categorize them efficiently. Our system also allows donors to appoint a representative or intermediary to manage their donations on their behalf. Additionally, there is a dedicated interface for submitting suggestions and complaints, ensuring a seamless and responsive experience.
Representative Requests: Ensures that donors, especially seniors, receive personalized support through representative requests. Whether it's for collecting monetary donations, gathering in-kind contributions, or delivering promotional materials. Stay on top of all requests with real-time updates and alerts for any incomplete or delayed tasks, ensuring prompt and efficient service.
Beneficiary Management: Comprehensive and Personalized Data. Easily manage detailed information for every beneficiary, categorizing them as orphans, students, and more. Our system ensures you are always up-to-date by alerting you when beneficiary information needs updating, allowing you to provide timely and accurate support.
إدارة الحالات الإنسانية: إضافة الحالات الإنسانية وتحديد طريقة المساعدة سواء مرة واحدة أو أكثر مع تتبع جميع عمليات المساعدة/الصرف السابقة.
إدارة التبرعات العينية: تتبع التبرعات العينية بسلاسة، مع القدرة على إرفاق صور لها. فرز التبرعات من حيث حالتها وأعدادها وعمل الإصلاحات المطلوبة لرفع قيمتها قبل إعادة التبرع بها/بيعها.
إعداد نماذج/قوالب للحالات الإنسانية وإتاحتها على الموقع الخارجي لتمكين المستفيدون من تسجيل طلباتهم مباشرة، ثم بعد ذلك يتم فرز تلك النماذج وقبولها/رفضها/إعادتها لإستكمال البيانات الغير مكتملة.
إدارة الكفالات: ربط المتبرعين والمستفيدون، و تحديد مبلغ المساعدة الشهرية مع إمكانية التبرع بمبالغ لمناسبات خاصة مثل العيدية أو بداية العام الدراسي. تقارير بالكفالات المتأخرة في السداد أو المتعثرة.
إمكانية تحويل الأموال الفائضة بسهولة من كفالة إلى أخرى.
إدارة المشاريع: قم بتعريف مشاريعك المختلفة بسهولة، مع إمكانية وضع المشروع تحت تصنيفات مختلفة. قم بتخصيص الأسعار لكل دولة/فرع لزيادة المرونة. على سبيل المثال، قد يختلف سعر مشروع حفر بئر بين الدول المختلفة. قم بكتابة خطوات تنفيذ كل مشروع لضمان التخطيط المالي الدقيق وتوجيه الموارد بشكل فعّال.
Create customized application forms for various requests, such as sponsorship, interest-free loans, projects, or volunteering opportunities. Each form includes specific questions that applicants will fill out, ensuring a tailored approach to their needs. Our system also features an evaluation section designed for management. This section helps to efficiently screen and assess applications, allowing for swift approvals, requests for additional information, or rejections based on incomplete data.
يستطيع المتبرع الإطلاع على المشاريع التي قام بالتبرع لها مع إمكانية مشاهدة صور/فيديوهات للمشاريع لمتابعتها وتحفيزه لمتابعة عمليات التبرع.
متابعة الكفلاء لكفالاتهم مع تذكيرات بمواعيد التبرع التالية.
التبرع الدوري: يستطيع المتبرع تحديد المشاريع و الكفالات ومبالغ التبرع لكل واحد منهم وتفعيل خاصية التبرع الدوري، مثال على ذلك، التبرع بمبلغ معين كل شهر لمدة 6 أشهر. بعد كل عملية إستقطاع للمبلغ من رصيد المتبرع يتم إرسال سند قبض بشكل ألي للمتبرع، كذلك يستطيع المتبرع إيقاف التبرع في أي وقت من الشاشة الخاصة به.
بطاقات الإهداء: يستطيع المتبرع التبرع بالنيابة عن أحد المقربين له مع إرسال بطاقة إهداء بالتبرع، مثلا التبرع بحفر بئر بإسم والدته.

2. Accounting

Transfer money between financial accounts with control of the conversion factor while transferring
Define your payments types
Collect all your payments from one page
Invoice installments, the system will distribute them for you over months and you can adjust and reschedule anytime later
Define your payment methods and divide the receipt' payment upon them
Track all your financial transactions and view its source with 1-click
Banking contracts with monitoring of principal payments and profit payments.
Create expenses lists and expense them later
Define your expense types
Determine which financial account to expense from
Automatic financial deduction after expense
Each branch has its own expenses

3. HR Management

Define additions and continues additions
Define deductions and continues deductions
Administrative decisions, all users will get notified immediately on their mobile and computers
Define multiple shifts for each branch and assign them to the employees
Automatic attendance read from attendance devices, with the capability of manual updating
Official holidays screen
Custodes. Define your custodes types, custodes, and assign them to employees
Custodies. Custom attributes for each custody type, like, if car, plate number, model, year, ...
End of service, the system will calculate everything for you
Employees complaints management, with notifications of not closed complaints
Promotions and job title changes
Employees licenses. Add their licenses and get notification before expire date
Salary changes
Employee contracts. Get notified before they end
Define your departments and job titles
Meeting management system. Add meetings and define their participants, discussion points, the meeting can be with or without voting
Meeting management system. Determine the place or online meeting link and share it with the participants
Meeting management system. Participants will be notified before meeting start
Meetings. Define your own meeting types to categorize your meetings
Vacations. Annual, custom, and encashments vacations
Sick leaves. Define your own deductions and customize it for each employee. The system will tell you how much the consumption and remaining
Each branch can have its own HR configurations, this will be handy if the business has branches in other countries with different laws
Payroll. The system will calculate everything for you and give you summary and details for all its components
Define the types of achievements, rewards, violations, and penalties to later use them in evaluating each of the branch employees, with the possibility of adding/deducting a financial amount or workdays

4. Purchases

Real-Time Purchase Tracking: Monitor and manage all your purchase orders and transactions in real time for complete visibility.
Multi-Currency and Multi-Language Support: Handle purchases in various currencies and languages, making it ideal for global businesses.
Mobile Access: Access and manage your purchase orders on-the-go with a mobile-friendly interface.
Use customizable purchase order templates tailored to different types of purchases, such as internal purchase requests and approvals for office supplies and consumables, fixed assets or inventory.

5. Inventory Management

Define different classifications. You can arrange the ratings like a tree with an infinite number of levels
A screen to adjust prices with the ability to filter by classification, name or code. Possibility to undo modifications
Items with their details, specifying the security limit and the minimum stock quantity. Likewise, each brand has different specifications, such as the book has the “publishing house” and the “author” while the car has the “engine type” and the “year of manufacture.”
One category may be listed under more than one classification
The categories have common data such as the name and the image, but you can also add special specifications for each category, for example, if the category is "books", you can add "publishing house" and "author's name".
A complete record of price modifications, with the possibility of writing a comment for the reason for the modification, for later reference
Covers can be defined for each item, such as "a pill" and "carton", for later use in purchase orders, stock transfers, and sales.
The items can contain an expiration date, and the store has been processed so that you can follow up on all the validity with alerts about expiration, and the system can track the items in different purchase orders that have different validity dates
You can know the current status of the store at any time, and with advanced indicators through which you know the quantities for each item
An advanced inventory tracking system so that you can make an inventory of all or part of the store without stopping the buying and selling operations
You can inventory an item or a bin
Transfer stock internally between cans with a record of previous transfers
Transferring items between warehouses and tracking them from the beginning of the transfer request and their exit from the warehouse until their arrival and entry to the required warehouse
Purchase orders and follow-up until they are entered into the store, with the possibility of defining and following up their installments with a screen for making returns for the supplier
Supplier data with complete details
The system is equipped to deal with more than one store with the possibility of transferring between them
Quick layout of the store, including corridors, shelves, and boxes, with different colors for the shelves
You can add a package to more than one item at once, such as adding a "Box" for 50 items, for example

6. Front Website Management

Receiving and responding to communication messages
The ability to register visitors on the site and manage their files, with the possibility of the user recovering and modifying the password and modifying his profile
Frequently asked questions section with the possibility of categorizing them for ease of search and access
News section with the ability to specify a time period for publication and stop publishing, in addition to the ability to stop publishing news without deleting it
A section for rotating images with the possibility of adding a link to the image that leads to a specific page or to an external site, as well as the possibility of adding a main and subtitle so that they appear above the image. You can also set the display order and hide an image without deleting it
Control the content of the pages without reprogramming or re-uploading the site
Offering the capability to prepare and send gift cards using templates or custom designs, with immediate or scheduled delivery, enhances user experience, boosts engagement and sales, and sets your brand apart from competitors. This flexibility and convenience meet the diverse needs of users, ensuring timely and meaningful gift-giving experiences that build customer loyalty and satisfaction.

7. Sales Management

Add offers with the ability to specify the price, discount percentage, offer period, and choose the contents of the offer from the store. You can stop the offer at any time without deleting it.
Price offers and follow-up with the customer on everything that happens to them, and transfer them to an invoice after approval or cancellation
Definition of services and their prices with descriptions and pictures

8. Delivery Management

The possibility of defining different types of delivery methods
Determine the store, the driver, the method of delivery, and the shipping data in the case of shipping by a shipping company
Definition of different shipping companies with their details such as telephones, addresses, and others

9. Shipping

Track the progress and location of shipments during the shipping process.
Managing shipping carriers
Tracking numbers and barcodes associated with each shipment
Customized tracking stages, you can define your stages with custom colors

10. Basics

Sending instant notifications to the employees on their computers and mobiles
Add and assign them to employees, create sub-workflows, add notes, link them to their sources, like adding workflow for an invoice, expense, ...
Searching in all attachments that uploaded anywhere in the system from one screen
Adding notes for your work. You can make a ready-made suggestions list and choose from it instead typing to make it even easier
Defining your own tasks categories
Advanced audit system that tracks all operations done by employees, who made it?, when did it happen? and from where?
Add your tasks and assign them to your employees, the task can be assigned to one employee or more. You can make it repeated tasks which can be repeated for number of occurrences, or to specific date. You can attach files, add notes, add online meeting link, and Google location
Let the system reminds you with your task by telling it when to send notifications, like 1-day before a task, also you will get a dashboard that tells you which tasks you have today, tomorrow, this week, this month. Also you will get charts indicate tasks statuses, how many finished, how many late. Tasks distributions on employees, and more ...
Creating authorization groups and assigning them to users to get control on all operations
Advanced automatic services that do thing for you, like maintaining the file system, sending notifications, and more...
Multi-branches capability, you can add users for each branch. Admins can get access to all/some branches
Chatting like WhatsApp, you can create groups and employees can talk to each others and send attachments, videos, documents, images and even record voices. You have full access to these chat' messages Get your own chat like WhatsApp, you can create groups and employees can talk to each others and send attachments, videos, documents, images and even record voices. You have full access to these chat' messages
Controlling Arabic interface, you can change words, messages, anything on the screen with instant update
Defining your own tasks statuses, like started, in progress, finished, ...
Controlling printings and reports. With our advanced report designer, you can modify your prints and reports, you can even create your own reports and prints with yourself
Send Emails and SMS directly from the system
Control the look of your Emails, like the header, footer, receipt, invoice, ...
You can specify an expiration date for the attached files, such as a passport photo, and the system will alert you when its date approaches
Sending notifications to users that reach them via mobile phones and computers, they can be sent immediately or set a time for the system to send them later